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Below you will find a list of all the projects we are currently working on for Sonlight Christian Mission.

We are still raising funds to complete these projects so prayerfully consider donating to toward these projects.


If you donated to one of our projects, share on social media. 


tag @sonlightchristianmission .

Building School's Second Floor

By adding a second floor to the school in Gonaives, we will          create space to add the additional 10th to 13th grades and

reposition the 9th grade to a actual classroom. 


In the last three years, we added the following; 2019 the 7th        grade, 2020 the 8th grade and 2021 the 9th grade.


Our current situation with the School is unavoidable. When we 

started the Cindy Owens Education Center, it was built with the   

option to add a second floor.  In 2011, starting with the

original five grade levels, we had rooms to expand the

School and did so as funds became available to sustain them.     


With the many other projects needed at the Mission, which included: building a house for the Full-Time Guard, a New Church, building a Multipurpose Room with Missionary Housing Quarters, building an outdoor Kitchen for the School, constructing Children's Latrines, completing the cement Driveway for Children to walk on during the rainy season, purchasing a new front Gate as well as a Generator for the Mission; we have had time or ample amount of resources to to expand the School.


The government told Melio we can’t add additional graded until we complete the final phase of the school. This is unfortunate for the current 9th grade students. This means most of them will not continue their education and will be forced to remain at home to help where they can. As hard as this is, it’s a reality for so many children in Haiti. This is why it is so important to supply this need in a Christian atmosphere.


We know it will be the start of the 2023-24 school year at the

earliest before we can add the 10th and upper grades based

on completing the school by then. We are working towards     

raising the $100,000.00 it will take to build the school. It is            with the help of God always and those who’s hearts He will          prick to supply this great need, that we will see His power provide again.


Hi Everyone, it is truly a blessing to see how God continues to protect, provide and give so much grace to the mission. It has been a difficult two plus years and yet all at the mission stay focused on what is most important. Their Savior and redeemer Jesus Christ!


We are embarking on a fundraiser for the completion of the school building and adding the final four grades to complete the children's education. This, like so many needs for the mission, is another mountain to climb. God has undoubtedly been the force behind all our past fundraisers because we have seen many past mountains leveled in the name of Jesus and funds have flowed to cover the needs.

With this thought we are in need of raising $100,000.00 to build the second story of the school building and securing additional monthly funds of $2,500.00 to cover the cost of the teachers, food, supplies and uniforms.


Please share this to churches and friends you know to see if God will prick their hearts to assist. Remember, 100% of all funds raised goes directly to the mission. Anyone can email our treasurer, Kenny at and he will gladly send you information to send a check for a one-time or continuing monthly gift. You can also give by going to our "Get Involved" link at the top of this page.  You can clink the PayPal link, where you can sponsor a child or make other donations.


I know God will see us over this mountain as in the past. In the last eight years he has provided $103,000.00 to build the new church, $10,500.00 to purchase a new generator, funds to add the 7th to 9th grades and $47,000.00 to purchase a complete solar system for the mission at a cost of $32,000.00 and the remaining funds were above what we needed which allowed us to send $15,000.00 to feed many starving individuals in and around the mission due to severe lack of work. God is simply good all the time!!!

Thank you all for caring and seeking God by praying and any support for the mission. Blessings to all!

Solar Arrays Needed For Primary Power

Consistent electrical power supply from the government has been undependable and non-existent over the last two years.


We purchased a new diesel generator in 2020 but fuel supplies

has been sparse as well. One thing that happens with regularity

in Haiti is sunshine!  We plan to install solar arrays for the

church, school and all-purpose building. These will be our primary

source of power and we will use the diesel generator as backup

on overcast days.  The estimated cost of this project is

$15,000.  Please partner with Sonlight in underwriting this project

and select it in the drop down box when you give on PayPal.

UPDATE:  Solar Arrays Needed For Primary Power


I can only say "Praise God" !!!

This picture says it all.  Melio, myself, and everyone at the mission, thanks all of you for your prayers and support through the past four months to make our solar need a reality. We know you have been praying throughout this process because it is evident that God's hand has been on it for protection and completion. The children and everyone who benefit from the need for clean water and all the mission does for the Haitian people are priceless.


Lastly, the other picture is one I took this morning of another beautiful sunrise on a chilled winter morning here in Virginia. It reminds me of how beautiful God is in EVERY thing He does.


God bless you all! Kenny & Melio

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